Dinan LFEB
Dinan is a pretty medieval town complete with walled battlements and half-timbered houses and sits atop a hill overlooking the river Rance. The airfield Dinan (LFEB) should not to be confused with Dinard (LFRD) which is 10 miles further North and is home to Ryanair, class D controlled airspace, and is nowhere near as attractive a town to visit.
Dinan was the formal starting point of the Mini Tour de France 2015 with some
WFAeC members flying in via Dover/Abbeville and others crossing via the longer sea route of Isle of Wight/Cherbourg. The airfield lies under the edge of the Dinard CTR which is 1500' overhead, airfield elevation is 393 feet so you need to be accurate on your 1000 circuit height to avoid the need to talk to Dinard ATC. There's a large tarmac East/West runway and Avgas available although it does require a Total card to use - we borrowed one from a club member when we refuelled there.
Landing fees were a paltry €5, no overnight parking fees, and taxis in to the town were a very reasonable €10 each way, even on the return when there was 9 of us in a mini-bus taxi.
Dinan is a popular tourist destination so finding hotels with on the day cancellation policy proved to be quite difficult with only the IBIS offering us this flexibility for weather delays. Most of the club members stayed in Cafe Hotel du Theatre in the old town with others staying in the La Duchesse Anne also in the old town, and the IBIS just outside the old town. All were clean and tidy with no complaints at all.
We spent 2 nights in Dinan, wandering round the town, along the river, up the clock tower, and eating in La Courtine restaurant which was excellent.
Definitely recommended as a location to fly to and relax at. Lovely view of Mont St Michel flying in to Dinan as well.
Taxi we used: Damien Taxi +33 (0) 6 98 84 21 46
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