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Dinard Pleuruit St Malo LFRD

Dinard St Malo airport is a regional airport which has international and local traffic.  The airport is some way from St Malo itself, on the other side of the River Rance and the taxi ride takes you across the Rance Barrage, one of the earliest and largest tidal hydroelectric schemes.  The airport is reasonably friendly but we were made to park on the tarmac rather than the more friendly grass as the "grass parking season" didn't start until the following day. The tie downs and weights provided for the hard standing were very poor. Fortunately the weather co-operated.

A commercial tourist flight arrived at the same time and we were caught up with the security arrangements for that arrival . It also took a while to summon a taxi for the transit into town.

We stayed at the Etap which was a very stiff walk from the main tourist area of the walled city (known as "intramuros"​). It would have been far better to have booked the downtown IBIS.

St Malo has a large number of restaurants and bars and the walled city provides great views and atmospheere. it was however entirely reconstructed  after the end of WW2.

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