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Totana ULM


A very active LSA and ULM airfield 30nm west of Murcia San Javier airport (and outside San Javier's CTR and TMA). Runway 03/21 is 450m useable compacted earth, so prop stone damage can be a hazard. Elevation is 640ft. Call for PPR. Check full details on the website for instructions.


Numerous hangars with some maintenance support (see website).


Nice little club house and several British expat members. Until recently a flight school for ULM and autogiros was run by Belgian instructor Peter but I understand that he has recently (Dec 2016) bought a small airfield at Estartit, near Girona and moved.    (Adrian Whitmarsh, Jan 2017)



Return to SPAIN & PORTUGAL airfield guide                     Totana Aero club                                  Tel: +34 636 994647


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