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Jelenia Gora EPJG

Jelenia Gora has twice been my airport of entry into Poland although it does not have official status for this purpose. Now that Poland is part of the EU the border controls with neighbouring Germany have been relaxed but if planning a visit to Poland it would be a good idea to advise intentions as part of the planning. The airfield is grass. Gliders operate from there and there are interesting specimens of old aircraft on the apron, such as Antonov AN2 biplanes, old Cold War jets (now decommissioned) and Wilgas.  The aeroclub is friendly and there is a restaurant on the site in a separate building from the main tower complex. 


Jelena Gora is convenient for entry as it is only about 40 miles inside Poland, arriving from Goerlitz in Germany (qv). The town is pleasant but unsophisticated, with a range of functional restaurants.

On one recent visit we were weather-bound for several days and found lodgings at a Pilots' lodge type of hotel situated on JG's satellite gliding airfield at Jezow Sudecki (telephone Mr Szybownik on 0 0605 036 522). It would not be practical to land at Jezow as the runways are short and slope all over the place. However, the lodge provided a decent and very cheap billet for the few days we were there and there is a convenient Swiss chalet type restaurant next door where victuals can be obtained. Very easy to summon a taxi into town as well. Some of our group took a train into Krakow which was a ten hour journey but the only practical way of getting there as Pobiednik Wielki was waterlogged. 

I would look forward to another visit to Jelenia Gora one day.

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