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Pianfei Alpi Marittime 

Also known as Alpi Marittime, this grass field was our last stop leaving Italy before crossing the Alps inbound to Gap Tallard

Some of our group has arrived there the previous day and had stayed overnight in a nearby hotel recommended by the airfield personnel. A member who steyed there reports: It was a great airfield that Mike Hurn, Mike Hawkins and the Dochertys stayed overnight. An amazing number of planes in surprisingly large hangers, with hoists from the ceiling so they filled twice over. The people there even found us a great hotel and gave us all lifts. It was recommended by the people at the previous airfield.

The airfield lies to the East of the town of Cuneo but none of our group visited the town itself.

Fuel available.


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            Semper floreat mons albus.........................may the white hill always flourish!​

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